Making a Fashion Statement
Making a Fashion Statement The world’s only digital enlarger just became better, and taking full advantage if its added facilities is one of the world’s leading photographic colleges. The De Vere 504DS digital enlarger, which is has the unique capability...
Black & White Printing
Black & White Printing with the DE VERE 504DS Real black & white prints from digital files. The DE VERE 504DS system uses real tungsten lights to print on to black & white photographic paper. Since the digital revolution, B&W has taken a back seat in...
DE VERE 504 DS Enlarger Review
DE VERE 504DS Enlarger Review A historic name in enlarging has come alive again, thanks to some digital tinkering to an analogue machine… The Enlarging Picture How does a company of 50 years standing making analogue dark room equipment stay alive in this...
LED Light Source
LED Light Source New LED light source makes digital unit available to update existing DE VERE, Durst, Omega and ZBE enlargers. DE VERE have introduced a new LED digital enlarging system that can be retro-fitted to existing enlarger chassis. DE...
Digital Enlarger Update
Digital Enlarger Update Pixels doubled to 17.2 megapixels and simpler control software. The latest update doubles the resolving power of the enlarger making even better high quality results possible and bigger degrees of enlargement. This latest update...