01273 676768

LED Light Source

New LED light source makes digital unit available to update existing DE VERE, Durst, Omega and ZBE enlargers.

DE VERE have introduced a new LED digital enlarging system that can be retro-fitted to existing enlarger chassis.

led devere


led durst  de vere 504 ds


led omega led durst  devere 504 ds


The new LED light source is extremely small in size, lightweight, generates no heat or noise; has no moving parts; has less power consumption.

It considerably reduces exposure times, complete consistency and zero maintenance.

This stunning new system opens up a whole new era in digital enlarging.

All the existing features of the digital enlarging system remain, quality levels, ease of use, flexibility that are already established by existing units.

It can also be supplied without the PC Workstation therefore making it extremely attractive priced package for the end-user, depending upon the requirements.